Raise the Age Rally

Young people and advocates show their support for Raising the age of juvenile jurisdiction

On April 18, 2024, young people, advocates, and youth-serving organizations and agencies converged on the steps of the MA State House to champion legislation to Raise the Age of juvenile court jurisdiction, a critical transformation of our justice system that would mark the type of change that our youth deserve…

Pushing for School Hardening Measures Causes Further Harm to Students

Responses to school safety must center students’ needs, opposed to increasing the criminalization of young people

Amid alleged incidents of heightened violence in schools, such as Brockton High School, calls for school hardening measures and zero tolerance approaches fail to honor the needs of struggling students…

Life Without Parole for 18-20 Year Old’s Ruled Unconstitutional

What does the SJC decision in Commonwealth V. Mattis mean for youth justice?

In a monumental decision January 11, 2024, the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court ruled adults younger than 21 cannot be sentenced to life without parole…