School Discipline in Lynn
Are there racial and ethnic disparities?
2019-2020 Lynn’s public school Enrollment and discipline rates: By race
Totals = 16,088 students enrolled and 938 students disciplined
The following set of graphs describe what percentage of each enrolled subgroup was disciplined at least once. For example, the graph below reads as 6.7% of White students, 14.1% of Black students, 7.9% of Latinx students, 4.5% of Asian students and 14.7% of Multi-Race students with a disability in Lynn were disciplined during the 2019-2020 academic year.
school discipline rates: students with a disability
school discipline rates: students without a disability
school discipline rates: students who are economically disadvantaged
school discipline rates: students who are not economically disadvantaged
*Please note that this data does not include charter schools in Lynn.
Discipline percentages are derived from unduplicated counts (that is, students who were disciplined multiple times are only counted once).
Source: Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education